ice pack
Cooling Pads
  • Only water, without superabsorbents, without preservatives and disinfectants
  • No microplastic gel mass
  • Simply empty the ice packs in the sink and reuse them
  • For direct food contact
  • Optimum cold distribution due to maximum surface effect
  • Empty and thus space-saving delivery & storage
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions during transport by 97 %
  • Reduction of transport costs by 90 %

Our coolant calculator: individually tailored to every package and every route

Pure water

Filling at the shipper of the refrigerated goods with tap water. No additives needed. Water is the ideal cooling medium.

Group 10
No microplastics

No synthetic superabsorbents, no microplastics. There is no ecological disposal method for gel pads.

More sustainable transport

Our cool pads are delivered empty, unlike gel pads. At 16,200 per pallet, CO2 emissions and transportation costs are reduced by over 90 %.