Corporate Carbon Footprint 2022
06.07.2023 | by Patricia Eschenlohr
As previously announced, we measure our corporate carbon footprint annually. This once again applies to the year 2022.
Since 2021, we have made a conscious decision not to use the term “climate neutral” and reject conventional offsetting projects in the Global South. Our aim is to record, monitor and reduce all emissions locally in our production and administration. In doing so, we rely on renewable energy, maximum energy efficiency, local raw materials and minimized transport routes.
Sadly, 2022 and the gas crisis in particular put obstacles in our way. For many months, we were unable to obtain biogas in our usual quantities. However, we were still able to cover our electricity requirements entirely with renewable energies in 2022. Our efforts to always act in the interests of the environment have paid off and our ecological footprint has only increased slightly despite the energy crisis.
Corporate Carbon Footprint
In 2022, the corporate carbon footprint (CCF) of Landpack GmbH was 96.5 tons of CO2eq. This is a minimal increase of 6.1 tons or 6.75% compared to the previous year. The increase is primarily due to the temporary purchase of conventional natural gas instead of biogas as a result of the energy crisis (Scope 1).
Landpack GmbH’s footprint in 2022 therefore corresponds to the average emissions of 11 Europeans per year.
The calculations were based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
As a manufacturer of the most sustainable refrigerated packaging, it is also our goal as a company to reflect our ecological principles in our business practices.
Scope 1 Emissions
relate to the direct emissions of Landpack GmbH due to heat generation and vehicle fleet.
Scope 2 Emissions
refer to the purchased electricity. In our case, this is 100% regional green electricity from renewable energy sources.
Scope 3 Emissions
relate to employee travel, upstream energy-related emissions, operational waste and business travel by rail and car. Air travel is taboo at Landpack anyway.

Reduction targets
At 37.7% the largest share of Landpack’s emissions is caused by the transportation of our employees (Scope 3). Last year, reducing this value was one of our reduction aims and with a decrease of 20.3 %, we can proudly announce that we have achieved this goal. But we are not calling it quits. We continue to prioritize the use of public transport and carpooling to further reduce this figure next year.
In 2023 we are aiming to reduce emissions in the area of heat generation (Scope 1) by renewing our biogas contract.

Contact person
Innovation Manager

Patricia Eschenlohr
Co-Founder, CMO