Corporate Carbon Footprint Report 2023
22.03.2024 | by Hilal Albaba
We have once again measured our corporate carbon footprint for 2023.
For the past three years, we have deliberately avoided using the term “climate neutral” and rejected traditional offsetting projects in non-EU countries, as these are often not only ineffective but also harmful in some cases. Offsetting projects are not recognized in Germany. And that’s a good thing!
At Landpack, we focus on recording, monitoring and reducing all emissions in our production and administration on site. In doing so, we rely on renewable energy, maximum energy efficiency, local raw materials and reduced transportation routes.
After we were confronted with the gas crisis in 2022, like many companies, and were unable to obtain biogas, we were fortunately able to switch completely back to biogas in 2023. We were still able to cover our electricity requirements entirely with renewable energies. These efforts have paid off: our ecological footprint has decreased significantly.
Corporate Carbon Footprint
In 2023, Landpack GmbH’s corporate carbon footprint (CCF) totalled 60.1 tons of CO2eq. This represents a significant decrease of 36.4 tons or -37.7% compared to the previous year. This decline is due both to the renewed switch to biogas (Scope 1) and to our efforts to make our distribution more environmentally friendly (Scope 3).
Landpack GmbH’s footprint in 2023 therefore equals the average emissions of 7 Europeans per year.
Our calculations are based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
As a manufacturer of the most sustainable refrigerated packaging, it is also our goal as a company to consistently reflect our ecological guiding principle in our business activities.
Scope 1 emissions
are based on Landpack GmbH's direct emissions from heat generation and all vehicles.
Scope 2 emissions
are based on purchased electricity. In our case, this is 100% regional green electricity from renewable energy sources.
Scope 3 emissions
are based on the distance traveled by employees, upstream energy-related emissions, operational waste and business trips by train and car. Air travel is taboo at Landpack to begin with.

Reduction targets
At 41.6%, the largest share of Landpack GmbH’s emissions is attributable to employee travel (Scope 3). Although this figure is higher in percentage terms than in 2022, in absolute terms we have achieved a reduction of 31.35%. We have therefore achieved our reduction target for 2023. We continue to promote the use of public transport and carpooling by our employees to ensure that our emissions in this area are maintained proportionally even if the number of employees increases.
Hilal Albaba