Berlin, 26. June 2017, the initiative “Germany – Land of Ideas” and the Deutsche Bank have awarded us one of the 100 “Excellent Places in a country of ideas”. The theme of this year: “Open your mind – so that something new can unfold”. Projects were selected, which meet the central challenges of our time with openness, experimentation and courage.
The Initiative Germany – Land of Ideas is an on-site initiative of the Federal Government and the Federation of German Industries (BDI). The Deutsche Bank has been a partner and sponsor of the competition for 12 years. The goal is to make innovations from Germany visible abroad and to strengthen the performance and future viability of the location in the country.
Part of the acclaimed jury members was Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther of the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V., who is the Director and a Member of the Chairman’s Committee.
The selection criteria this year were openness and broadmindedness for new things. Future orientation, innovation and implementation strength, being a role model and inspiration to others.
We are delighted to be part of a network of visionary initiatives, who are all active for rethinking in Germany.