Our Head of Sales Vincent Beyer and Sales Manager Lifescience Thea Hintermeier presented and conversed with the trade audience at the bevh Packaging Day on 26.09.2019 at FachPack in Nuremberg.

Landpack has been offering ecological insulating packaging made of straw, hemp and jute since 2013 – at that time, sustainability did not play a role at Fachpack. This year, however, even the leading theme of the trade show was “environmentally friendly packaging”. An industry is starting to reorient itself.

A pioneer in sustainable packaging, Landpack showed the trade audience how life science companies can redefine themselves ecologically via their packaging with optimal cooling performance while clearly standing out from the competition.

Landpack has a scientific team of experts at its disposal. Landpack’s insulations meet the GDP requirements of the pharmaceutical and life science industry.