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Protecting the environment with organic waste

29.09.2023 | by marlene

Organic waste is valuable. Hence, its German name “Biogut” – literally meaning organic goods.

Biodegradable waste brings two benefits:

  • Its use in biogas plants generates heat and electricity for decentralized energy supply and …
  • It produces nutrient-rich humus in composting plants, thus replacing artificial fertilizer and improving soil quality.

Since January 1, 2015, there has also been a nationwide obligation to collect biowaste separately with the aim of keeping its valuable ingredients in the cycle.

Paper, on the other hand, can only be recycled five to seven times. Each recycling step is energy-intensive and requires fresh fibers. Plastic, on the other hand, is currently downcycled only once at best.

Biodegradable waste as a substitute for artificial fertilizer and peat.

Our domestic agriculture can only profit from biodegradable waste.

In 2019, 7 to 8 million tonnes of nutrient-rich organic waste and fermentation residues (Umweltbundesamt, 2021), which are used as a component of potting soil or as fertilizer in agriculture and replace conventional fertilizer and peat from drained moors, were produced in Germany from over 15 million tonnes of organic waste. Biocompost or fertilizer from organic material contain particularly high levels of nutrients and also increase the humus content of the soil.

With the help of packaging made from straw and hemp, the natural nutrient and humus cycle is therefore closed in a way it was intended to be.

People and nature benefit from biodegradable waste

Unfortunately, the majority of biowaste ends up in the residual waste bin and is transported to waste incineration plants with considerably low efficiency.

This means that the raw materials are neither kept in the cycle nor used efficiently in terms of energy.

Organic waste is truly the best waste there is. Therefore, collecting it separately and not letting these recyclables be incinerated goes a long way!

The organic waste bin is free for private consumers!


  • saves the consumer waste disposal costs,
  • makes a decisive contribution to the protection of resources, the climate and nature,
  • is essential for a decentralized energy transition and
  • provides local farmers with organic compost

Collect your organic waste separately and contribute to protecting the planet!




Author marlene


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