Shipping BARF optimally – here is how it’s done!
11.10.2022 | by Miriam Graf
BARF – a near-natural raw food diet for dogs
The bones and raw food diet ‘BARF’ gained great popularity over the last few years with the goal of feeding your dog in the most natural way as possible. Because dogs are carnivores, they are dependent on a healthy meat intake but also organs, vitamins, supplements and greens. BARF replicates as if they were eating a whole animal in the wildlife.
Often allergies, weight and digestion problems are reasons why owners choose a raw diet over storebought kibble. With BARF feeding they gain better control over the individual component intake to avoid certain allergies or intolerances of their four-legged friends.
Eco-friendly dispatch of your BARF products
For sending BARF products the same strict hygiene regulations as for human consumption must be met. To prevent germs during shipment it is important to keep the packages in a specific temperature range.
Even though at this point in time there is still a high usage of styrofoam for BARF products, it is more and more seen in a critical light and can keep potential customers from ordering the goods. So why not just get your natural foods for your furred family members in sustainable and safe packages? Our Landboxes made from straw and hemp make it possible!

Landbox Straw
Our power cooler made of straw - for the highest demands on temperature and shock protection: up to 65 h below 4 °C even in summer. Climate-friendly and compostable.
Landbox Hemp
The space-saving and high-quality thermal packaging made of hemp for more flexibility and small volumes. 100 % natural product, great touch and individually printable.
DetailsCooling correctly – dry ice, cold pack or without anything?
Generally true is that the bigger the quantity the fewer additional cooling is needed and the bigger the individual portions the longer it takes to thaw. Frozen meat itself functions as cooling elements. For small portions it is best to position them in the middle of the box, because here it is coldest.
During summer time you can prevent the meat from thawing by placing cold packs at the sidewalls.
In case you want to ship high quantities of BARF and it is okay to have the meat delivered to your customers slightly thawed you can forgo the cold packs completely.
Your products shall be delivered at -22°C? Then we recommend you use dry ice. Tips for correctly packing your boxes with dry ice can be found here. You are unsure which option of cooling is best in your case? Please do not be hesitant to contact us. We also offer individual cooling tests.
A natural package with different functions
BARF and our Landboxes are a match made in heaven! Often times dog owners are conscious about nature and find great value in sustainable materials. BARF customers that receive the Landboxes not only have joyous unboxing experiences but also many upcycling possibilities the package has to offer. Many dogs like the straw panels or hemp fleeces as a comfortable blanket. Your customers own a garden? Then the straw is excellent for gardening or composting. Especially in the winter our hemp fleeces offer a sustainable plant protection. Whoever owns bunnies, hamsters, guinnea pigs or other rodents is happy to use the panels as free bedding for the enclosure.
Miriam Graf