News + Guide

< Oct 10, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Landbox Jute: Our new insulating packaging made of jute
< Sep 24, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Inspire with Ecological Packaging? Yes! Landpack as Speaker at the German Fruit & Vegetable Congress 2018
< Sep 17, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Landpack Speaks at the Future Day TOGETTHERE-XPERIENCE
Post Sep 13, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Kick-off of the Bio2Pack research project
< Sep 03, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
VerpackungsG 2019 – All important information briefly summarized
< Aug 21, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Green – or Greenwashing? Landpack at the Workshop of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)
< Aug 03, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Discussion about a European plastic tax – are we on the right track?
< Jul 31, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Guidance for online food retailers: DIN SPEC 91360
< Jun 26, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Landpack selected for Accelerator Program of BayWa and RWA
< Apr 09, 2018, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Landbox Bio: Our cooling box made of straw is now 100% compostable!



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