News + Guide

< Dec 21, 2021, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Every year…
< Nov 10, 2021, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Landpack is committed to the rewetting of peatlands.
< Aug 10, 2021, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Our biotope: We create new habitat for rare plants and insects
< Aug 01, 2021, by Patricia Eschenlohr
Our pioneering work honored with international patents
< May 01, 2021, by Christoph Humpert
Second factory for processing straw into packaging is ready
< Apr 15, 2021, by Christoph Humpert
Landpack opens city office in the heart of Munich
< Apr 01, 2021, by Christoph Humpert
We produce with 100 % green gas from Polarstern
< Nov 23, 2020, by Johanna Schreiber
Landpack founder Patricia Eschenlohr appointed to the Bavarian Bioeconomy Expert Council
< Apr 20, 2020, by Christoph Humpert
Landpack launches strategic partnership with Ratioform
< Oct 03, 2019, by Patricia Eschenlohr
„Packaging 4.0 – How does the Future Pack?“



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